Bone Cancer Treatment in India,Causes of Bone Cancer

Bone Cancer Treatment in India

What is Bone Cancer?

Bone cancer is cancer that affects the skeletal structure. Bones in the body are covered by a network of fibrous tissue known as 'matrix' & these act as a base for calcium salts. The outer part of the bone is a harder covering called cortical bone which covers the lighter & the soft trabecular bone. Bones are developed in a constant process of degeneration & regeneration. In case any of the cells in bone get affected with cancer it starts an uncontrolled growth in them.

Causes of Bone Cancer

It is not clearly known what causes most bone cancers. Few surgeons & oncologists disclose that bone cancer may begin as a fallacy or error in a cell's DNA of patients. This error impacts cells to grow & multiply in an uncontrolled manner. These cells multiply & go on living, rather than dying at a normal time-set. Accumulating mutated cells eventually create a tumor that can infect surrounding structures or spread to various other parts of the body.

Signs & Symptoms of Bone Cancer

Commonly observed signs and symptoms of all types of bone cancer are given below.

  • Pain - Affected bones develop signs of pain which gradually start with a dull ache & only increase in intensity at night when using the bone. This pain generally increases & becomes constant as cancerous cells continue growth.
  • Swelling - Few weeks after being affected, the painful area might become inflamed & swollen around the cancerous growth on bone.
  • Fractures - Nearly all types of bone cancers weaken boned they affect but complete fractures are rarely seen.
  • Decreased Mobility - In some cases, if the tumor is present near a joint, it may make regular movements painful or difficult.
  • Other Symptoms - Fatigue & weight loss accompanying bone pain may be an indication of bone cancer.
Bone Cancer Treatment in India

Tage. Bone Cancer Treatment in India, Causes of Bone Cancer, Types of Bone Cancers, bone cancer specialist in india, Treatment for bone cancer in india, Bone cancer surgery in india

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