Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Causes and Treatment in India

Prostate Cancer

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is the cancer of the prostate gland, a gland in the male reproductive system. The prostate secretes a slightly alkaline milky fluid that constitutes 50–75% in volume of the semen. helps neutralize acidity of the vaginal tract, prolonging sperm lifespan. Most prostate cancers grow slow but there are cases of aggressive prostate cancers too. The cancer cells may spread (metastasize) from the prostate to other parts of the body, typically the bones and lymph nodes. This type of cancer may have no symptoms initially, but can cause pain, difficulty in passing urinating, problems in sexual intercourse, erectile dysfunction, and death in later stages.

Causes/ Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer: 

The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown; however there are few factors that can increase the risk.
  • Age: The risk of cancer increases as you grow old (above 80).
  • Family history: If a member in your family is diagnosed with prostate cancer you are 2-3 times more likely to get the cancer.
  • Ethnicity: Prostate cancer is more common in black African men than in white or Asian men.
  • Height and weight: Taller men have higher risk than shorter men. Also overweight can increase the risk.
  • Environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking and diet that are high in saturated fat, seem to increase the risk of prostate cancer. Additional substances or toxins in the environment or from industrial sources might also promote the development of prostate cancer, but these have not yet been clearly identified.

Signs And Symptoms 

A high time to look for one of the best cancer hospital of India when these signs and symptoms occur:
  • Trouble urinating (pain when passing urine)
  • Frequent urination
  • A sense of not completely emptying the bladder
  • Blood in the urine and semen
  • Bone pain
  • All of these symptoms can be caused by a variety of things besides prostate cancer, so experiencing any doesn't necessarily mean you have prostate cancer. However, if the symptoms occur frequently then a doctor of a cancer hospital should be consulted.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

What are the Stages of Prostate Cancer? 

  • Stage I - here the cancer is found in the prostate only.
  • Stage II - the cancer is more advanced than in stage I, but has not spread outside the prostate. It is divided into IIA and IIB.
  • Stage III - the cancer has spread beyond the outer layer of the prostate and may have spread to the seminal vesicles.
  • Stage IV - the PSA can be any level, the cancer has spread beyond the seminal vesicles to nearby tissue or organs.

How Prostate Cancer is Diagnosed? 

Prostate cancer is diagnosed at leading cancer hospitals in India through these methods. These can also help to decide the right prostate cancer cure :
  • Digital rectal exam (DRE): It helps detect lumps, asymmetries and the size of the prostate. Although not a perfect test, it becomes useful when combined with the PSA test
  • Prostate specific antigen (PSA): It is a blood test that looks for a protein that the prostate generates. Normal prostate tissue makes a little bit of PSA, but prostate cancer usually makes much more. If your PSA is elevated, your doctor can screen you for prostate cancer. The PSA test isn't perfect either, because some tumors won't elevate the PSA and some other processes (like benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis) can cause it to be falsely elevated. However, the higher your PSA is, the more likely the elevation is caused by a prostate cancer. The cut-off that your doctor usually uses is 4.0ng/ml, (below 4.0ng/ml is normal and anything above it is abnormal). If your PSA is elevated, or you have an abnormal digital rectal exam, then you need to get further evaluation. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer. The only way to know for sure whether or not you have cancer is to get a sample of your prostate from a biopsy.

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How Recommended Treatment for Prostate Cancer Patients

Prostate cancer in India can be treated by Immunotherapy at Surgery Tours India which is one of the apex cancer hospitals of India for advanced prostate cancer treatment. The therapy enhances the body’s immune system to fight against the disease and is a surgery-free cure for prostate cancer. It is a treatment where response is seen in the PSA levels and improvement can be noticed in generally all men with prostate cancers. In treatment for prostate cancer in India, patients who opt for chemotherapy along with Cancer Surgery Therapy see a remarkable response and survive with a better quality of life. There are different lines of treatment for different types of cancer which is decided by the team of doctors at Surgery Tours India which specializes in the treatment for early and advanced prostate cancer. Your decision making process is most likely to include a combination of clinical and psychological factors such as the level of risk, personal circumstances, desire for a certain therapy based on risks and benefits.
Depending on each case, conventional prostate cancer treatment in India and around includes –
1. Surgery
2. Radiation Therapy
3. Chemotherapy
4. Vaccine Treatment
5. Hormone Therapy
6. Bone directed treatment
These prostate cancer treatments are generally used one at a time, however in some cases it may be combined to find the best treatment for prostate cancer for you. 

Why choose Surgery Tours India? 

Hospitals providing Prostate cancer Treatment India have primary aim to facilitate the highest standard of quality medical treatment & patient care to international patients. India has originated as one of the most important hubs for medical tourism. Many people from the developed countries come to India for the rejuvenation and top-class medical expertise which is helping more and more Indian corporate hospitals  to lure foreign patients, including patients from developed nations such as UK and the US,for high-end surgeries. As more and more patients from Europe,the USA, and other affluent nations with high medical look for effective options, healthcare tourism in India is definitely on the cards for most them and fast-growing Indian corporate health sector is fully geared  to meet that need. to get more info on Prostate cancer Treatment India.

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